How good is industrial engineering at Anna university CEG and what about the placements? I am interested to study artificial intelligence and ML in ms can this be a base for my further studies ? As I am getting only this course in this college.
Yes you can study industrial engineering. It a good branch. You will know new aspects and may be a domain where you want to make a career.
On the part of ML or data science,
Not to worry you can study and learn the skills. You won't get these subjects in your semester but you can take out time and learn it by yourself.
Take a course from courseera or edx. These are online webpages where course are provided from top universities like Stanford University, Howard University , MIT and it connect all the top universities.
You will get enriched knowledge and projects. You can even get certificate but you have to pay for it.
You can show your certificate which will prove that you worked hard in your interest domain and you have skill to use it for market profit. This will make you get a dream job.
Hope it helps!

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