How good is Pg Aerospace,aeronautical and avionics programmes in MIT,chennai?
Hello.. they are good and also they have good placements .. MIT is good for aerospaces..
Main reason is we are one of the university departments of Anna university (True..!!)
Core companies are less in India and they are going to IIT's and NIT's
Public sector companies such as DROD,ISRO are recruiting through examinations and we have to apply after finishing the undergrad degree
Our syllabus is not so good..(Compared to other streams.)
Some companies requires specialization so they are going for P.G.
No proper guidance from the staff.(this is one of the main issue in the dept)
The core placements in Anna university is declining at a faster rate not only Aeronautical department.
Do visit ISRO/PRL and each centre's web page on daily basis.
ISRO conducts its entrance exam for the post of Scientist/Engineer- SC in April every year. The application deadline for which is in last week of Feb.