How good is VIT Chennai on comaposon with VIT Vellore
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VIT is one of the best colleges of India. Both Vellore campus and Chennai campus are good at their respective places. Both follow the same curriculum and share similar placement ratio. The only difference lies in the facr that Vellore campus being the oldest one is quite huge and the crowd is also massive while Chennai campus is comparatively smaller and hence,the chances are that one will receive more individual attention in the Chennai campus. However,I would advise you to visit them both to get a personalised experience that will help you in making a correct choice.
Hope this helps.
Good luck.
VIT is one of the best colleges of India. Both Vellore campus and Chennai campus are good at their respective places. Both follow the same curriculum and share similar placement ratio. The only difference lies in the facr that Vellore campus being the oldest one is quite huge and the crowd is also massive while Chennai campus is comparatively smaller and hence,the chances are that one will receive more individual attention in the Chennai campus. However,I would advise you to visit them both to get a personalised experience that will help you in making a correct choice.
Hope this helps.
Good luck.
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