how i prepare for NEET UG exam
hi Gaurav, you still have 5 months time and if you work smart, you can really score well easily, i will tell you how to prepare
Physics and chemistry- physics is considered one of the toughest subject for medical aspirants,but very interesting. choose any good book of your convinience, there are plenty of good books as many mentioned already. read the concepts thoroughly,understand them cover to cover, if you have doubts, clear them then and there. solve atleast 300 to 500 questions per chapter, check ,analyse and rectify your mistakes. solve again. the more you solve the merrier.initially you wont be getting many correct answers, but as you keep on doing am sure you will see your score rising. solve previous question papers too
Biology- in neet around 300 marks are from ncert text book itself,thats how it was when i gave my exam, so u need to thorough ncert first and then read any good book of your choice and solve as many questions as you can, always stay calm , cool and confident,hope this helps good luck buddy
- Hii Gourav, Inorder to crack NEET UG with goid marks the first and foremost thing u should study is ur NECRT biology...This is the best textbook one can get for preparing NEET and u should kniw every inch of it..For the part of physics and chemistry do follow books like Arihant and Pradeep..These books have explained the concepts and also there are many practice questions.
- Hope this helps u...all the very best!
1. Be punctual. Daily 6 to 8 hour of focussed studying hours.
2. Getting basic concepts clear and solving MCQs as much as possible
3. Do smart work
4. Have regular exam session schedule n small breaks
5. Learn from your mistakes
6. Keep on revising whatever you studied.
NCERT Books are standard textbook which you must be thorough with and then refer standard reference books like HC verma , GR bathla and MTG magazines.
All the best !
Namaskar Gaurav. Thank you for asking the question. We at Career 360 will help you to solve queries as possible.
First of all, relax. I am pretty confident that you will get into Medical school. And how do I know that? You have to follow a regimen.
Facts- The most essential component for NEET.
Concepts- Start building it in depth from Day 1.
Schedule- 2 hour study and 30 minutes break.
Solve books, question papers, test series and all that you can devour!
You should know the NCERT textbooks like the back of your own hand.
Enjoy your life.
I suggest these books for your studies:
1. Physics: HC Verma for theory and Universal Solutions for MCQs
2. Chemistry: NCERT textbook for theory and Arihant Publications for MCQs
3. Biology: Trueman Publications and NCERT book for theory and Universal Publications for MCQs.
This will help your conceptual base become clear and as well as your practice in solving MCQs. These are a supplement to your regular curriculum books. Live Long and Prosper. Nitish Nadkarni.
You know only 5 months are left for NEET and try not to waste it on useless activities. First you need to prepare like you never had studied before, by giving more time to solving questions.
Cover topic by topic, no need to cover full chapter but pick important topics from where most questions are asked in previous papers and then MASTER them by solve more numericals and MCQs .
For time management skills you have to give lots and lots of mock exams and then checking where your preparations are lacking.
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