How is cmc vellore nursing entrance interview
Hi Mini,
In every interview you can pass through the simple questions which can test your presence of mind to tackle that question.Otherwise some technical questions is also there to judge your technical knowledge.
Thank you.Good luck.
Hi Mini,
An interview is more about confidence and presence of mind rather than simply answering a question. Some of the qualities that interview pannel would like to see in your during the interview are problem solving ability, communication skills, time management etc. You may face some general questions like -
Why did you choose to study nursing? Would you like to go abroad after the course? What would you do if not nursing? Your qualification history? What makes you fit for this college? Why this college? Are you doing this course to earn a lot of money?
You might also face situation-based questions such as -
What would you do to a person who just had an accident and you were nearby?
Obviously, what you answer is very important but what is even more important is the way you answer. So, carry your confidence and knowledge of the subject and ace the interview.
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Good luck.
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