How is hi tech medical college and course fee for mbbs
The complete information on course fee is as follows
Fees Details
The tuition fees per annum is set as per the fees fixed by the Government of Orissa. At present the tuition fees per annum for Hi-Tech Medical College & Hospital is Rs. 5,50,000/- w.e.f. academic session 2013-14 until further orders.(Notification)
The other fees to be paid at the time of admission are College Caution Money Deposit (one time refundable), Examination fee, Sports & Cultural fee, Transport fee and fees for uniform and blazer.
If hostel is required, hostel fees and hostel caution money deposit are to be paid.
For the subsequent years the annual fees to be paid before the due dates notified failing which late fee will be applicable. The annual fees to be paid are the tuition fee, examination fee, Sports & Cultural fee, transport fee and hostel fee if applicable.
Hostel Fees
The annual hostel fees per annum include room rent, water & electricity charges, food charges and maintenance charges. The following types of accommodation are available in the hostels for both boys and girls.
AC accommodation: Single / Double Sharing / Triple Sharing
Non-AC accommodation: Single / Double Sharing / Triple Sharing
The charges will be as prevailing at the time of admission as they are modified periodically.
Fees For Other Services
Examination Fees:
Annual Examination fees for all internal assessment examinations both theory & practical and University Practical examinations: Rs 5000/- per annum.
Sports & Cultural fees:
An amount of Rs. 3500/- per annum will be collected towards Sports and Cultural Fees.
Transport fees:
An amount of Rs 6000/- per annum will be collected towards Transportation Fees.
Type of ServiceFees (in Rupees)Application for joining the HMCH2000ID Card /Library Card500Replacing a lost ID /Library Card200Bonafide Certificate100Duplicate Academic Transcript (Course Certificate)100Replacing a lost hostel key 500Duplicate admit card100Any other certificate from Office of Principal/Registrar100
Fees must be paid in full before completing the admission process either in demand draft or by Bankers cheque in favour of HMCH on the date of registration for new admissions.
Students on HMCH rolls must pay all fees before commencement of the academic year. However, for those unable to pay the tuition fees upon registration in full, fees may be paid in installments (as below) after approval from the management: the first half is paid on the date of completing the registration and the second half by post-dated cheque due four months after the first payment.
Hostel fees must be paid in full prior to joining the hostel.
Late payment fee shall invite a penalty of Rs. 50 per day per dues of Rs.100000/- for a period of 30 days and any further delay will attract further action & charges in addition.
Please note that a penalty of Rs 1000/- is to be imposed on returned cheques and the returned cheque will not be handed to the student unless the penalty is paid in cash.
The department heads in the College and the clinical teaching sites will mark the student who has failed to pay the fees in time as absent until the arrears are cleared and the fee is paid in full.
Students withdrawing from the programs after being admitted to HMCH on having completed the registration process by paying the tuition fees will not be refunded the fees amount paid by them under any circumstances.
It takes admission to mbbs seats through marks and rank obtained by candidates in neet ug exam
Good luck..
I am not from the said college so I cannot tell you about how the College is but however you can visit the following link to read reviews,
The tuition fees per annum is set as per the fees fixed by the Government of Orissa. At present the tuition fees per annum for Hi-Tech Medical College & Hospital is Rs. 5,50,000/- w.e.f. academic session 2013-14 until further orders.
I hope this was helpful. All the very best!