How l prepare study best achieve in math,physics, and chemistry?
Answer (1)
Physics, maths and chemistry are the problematic papers.
Unless and until you use pen and paper it's not easy to understand and also you need to practice more.
Solve as many as questions possible is the only solution you can expertise yourself in these subjects.
Everytime you solve a question you will learn deeper about the subject and more deeper you learn more you score Mark.
Concentration in very important for these subjects and also thinking capabilities.
Work it out in pen and paper.
Make a separate note book for formulas and equations so that you can keep revising.
Keep reviewing the solved problems.
I hope these helped you
All the very best
Physics, maths and chemistry are the problematic papers.
Unless and until you use pen and paper it's not easy to understand and also you need to practice more.
Solve as many as questions possible is the only solution you can expertise yourself in these subjects.
Everytime you solve a question you will learn deeper about the subject and more deeper you learn more you score Mark.
Concentration in very important for these subjects and also thinking capabilities.
Work it out in pen and paper.
Make a separate note book for formulas and equations so that you can keep revising.
Keep reviewing the solved problems.
I hope these helped you
All the very best
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physics and chemistry and math