When it comes to 12th% or educational qualifications requirements for admission in MAMC for mbbs, then there's no seperate eligibility criteria. You just need to fulfill neet eligibility criteria.
You can check the same by downloading the MAMC 2021 information brochure ,the link to download it, is provided below
For your reference,
Here's the eligibility criteria for NEET :-
-----------) Qualification required :-As per Neet eligibility to be eligible you must be either appearing for 12th board examination or should have passed 12th board examination from any recognised board with physics, chemistry ,biology/biotechnology and English as core subject.
†††Important Note :- Students with Biology as an additional subject are also provisionally eligible for neet until Supreme Court gives its judgement over it.
-----------) Percentage required :- You must get
at least 50 % in aggregate of PCB i.e Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology in 12th examination if belongs to general category
at least 40% in aggregate of PCB if belongs to st/Obc/ Sc
at least 45 % in aggregate of PCB in case of pwd candidates to be eligible.
So you need to meet this percentage requirement as per your category in order to get admission in MAMC. Admission is on the basis of your rank in neet only.
-----------) Age limit :-
Lower age limit:- to be eligible for neet one has to be at least 17 years old or more by 31st December in the year of appearing for the examination .
Upper age limit :-The upper age limit is 25 years as on the date of neet examination and there's relaxation of 5 years for obc ncl/SC/ST /PwBD students means upper age limit is 30 years for these categories.
†††† But since 2018, the case of upper age limit is pending in supreme court , and so there's no upper age limit as of now until supreme court gives its judgement over it.
-----------) There's no attempt limit for neet.
For detailed information about neet examination eligibility go through our page for which link is provided below; -
Thank you