how many gov. colleges in kerala have BCA with AI
As per the data available online, there are no government colleges in kerala which offers BCA with AI course. There are 7 Government colleges in kerala which offers the BCA program only.
Now for BCA AI you have to opt for private colleges. Some of the private colleges are:
- St. Joseph's College Devagiri, Calicut
- Bishop Vayalil Memorial Holy Cross College, Kottayam
- Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
- St. Mary's College Sulthan Bathery, Sultan Batheri
- Jai Bharath Arts and Science College, Ernakulam
To know more about the Government BCA colleges in Kerala visit the link below:
To know more about BCA visit the link below:
To know more about AI visit the link below:
I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!