how many government medical seats are available in rajasthan
There are 1500 seats in Government medical and dental available colleges of Rajasthan distributed between 9 colleges. And there are another 2060 seats available in the private medical MBBS and dental colleges across 19 colleges.
Refer to this link to have more details..
And to know the cutoffs of colleges in Rajasthan in various government and private medical and dental colleges, refer to the following link..
Best wishes. Thank you.
There are approximately 2075 MBBS seats available in Rajasthan. You can check the seat matrix at our page: . Approximately 1840 seats are Government MBBS seats for both All India Counselling and State Counselling. To help you with your NEET preparation, we have NEET Knockout packages that you can check at: To help you during admission and counselling, we have
As of now there are 2075 MBBS and 1190 BDS seats in Rajasthan. Out of which
1. Government seats - 1268
2. Private seats in Govt colleges - 262
3. Private colleges seats - 598
For more information about these colleges you can visit
Hope this helps!