How many seats are available in the LLM programme of RMLNLU Lucknow?
The total seat intake for the one-year, full-time LLM programme offered at the Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University Lucknow is 48 and 7 supernumerary seats with the following category wise reservation as mentioned below:
- Unreserved: 20 seats
- Scheduled Castes of Uttar Pradesh: 10 seats
- Scheduled Tribes of Uttar Pradesh: 1 seats
- OBC of Uttar Pradesh: 13 seats
- EWS of Uttar Pradesh: 4 seats
5 supernumerary seats for Foreign Nationals/ NRIs/ NRI Sponsored Candidates and 2 supernumerary seats for Wards of Kashmiri Migrants/ Kashmiri Pandits/ Kashmiri Hindu Families (Non-Migrants).
Horizontal Reservations
2 seats (5%) for Specially Abled Person (SAP), 1 seat (2%) for Dependents of Freedom Fighters of Uttar Pradesh, 2 seats (5%) for Sons/ daughters of defence personnel deployed in Uttar Pradesh or defence personnel of Uttar Pradesh either retired or killed/ disabled in action and 10 seats (20%) for Female candidates.