How many marks are required in NEET for a general category in B. Pharm at Nirma university ?
NEET is not required for pharmacy courses, it is only compulsory for MBBS, BDS, Veterinary and Ayush courses in India.
In Nirma University for B. Pharma, Students are admitted on the basis of Centralised Selection Procedure carried out by Joint Admission Committee.
There are following criterias for B. Pharm. admission-
- Admission Committee for Professional Courses, Gujarat - The candidates shall have passed the qualifying exam with minimum eligibility criteria for the percentage of marks in subjects prescribed by AICTE. The candidates will be admitted on the merit basis through ACPC Gujarat.
- Management Quota (NRI Category - Self/Ward/Sponsored)
- CIWGC-SEA Category - The Candidates whose parent are working at Gulf Countries or South East Asia, are only eligible under this category.
- Person of Indian Origin Category - Persons who are citizens of other countries, but any time held an Indian passport or any of his parent or grandparent was a citizen of India.
- Foreign Nationals Category
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