How many percentage in 10th, 12th
First of all let me tell you one thing you have a very nice name. It feels good when I saw your name.
Now come to your question. Well my friend your question is not clear to us. Please specify about your query in detail for example like what is the minimum percentage of tenth and 12 is required for mba entrance exams or jee mains or something like that.
If you elaborate your question and completely write your question then we will be helping you for sure.
Thats my promise to you. So please write your question afresh.
I wish you all the best.
Do write your full question.
Cheers !!
Please elaborate your question it how much did I personally score which is ( 94% and 97% respectively ) or is it the cut off for courses which is 50% aggregate in Ur Pu for neet
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