How many percentage required in graduation For sc category for Upse civil service IAS?
Minimum 55 % is mandatory to write this upsc exams.
UPSC Exam Details : Age Limit
A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 32 years on August 1 of the year of examination. For OBC the upper age limit is 35, and for SCand STthe limit is 37 years.
Numbers of attempts for UPSC Exam
General category candidates: 4
OBC category candidates = 7
SC/ST Candidates = unlimited
UPSC Civil services exam is conducted in three phases and notification for exam comes in April and Prelims falls in August. The prelims result comes in September. The Mains exam falls in December and result is out mostly in Feb/ March.
Cheers !!
Bro i don't know from where did you get this information? But this can be dangerous for aspirants who are just going to start their prepration.
So if you don't know anything about any matter then don't give this type of information.
There is no minimum percentage is required to sit in UPSC exam you have to just passed your graduation.
Hello Vivek, See To become a candidate for UPSC some common things for all where Category doesn't consider:
1. Candidate from any Category should be graduate or be pursuing graduation is eligible for exam
2. Graduation from Govt. recognized to UGC/ AICTE
3. Minimum Percentage demanded 55%
4. Compulsory to qualify all III stages for exam - pre, mains, interview
5. Category is only on Age limit, No. of attempts, and on No. of seats (rest is common to all)
Best of luck...
After graduation every candidate can apply for civil services examination.
For civil services examination there is no percentage criteria , if candidate just have passing marks in graduation are eligible..
Candidate should be under 21-30 years.
3 years age relaxation for OBC candidate and 5 years age relaxation for SC/ST candidate.
General candidate has 4 attempts to apply , OBC candidate has 7 attempts to apply and SC/ST candidate has no limit to apply, however they can only apply till 35 years of age.
Some of the services getting through in UPSC CSE are:-
Indian administrative services : Top priority for canditates
Indian police services: second most preferred service.
Indian forest services : Selected through IAS exam : After qualifying the Interview process of IAS exam those candidate who secure highest marks and in the top 10 are selected for Indian Foreign Services.
Indian Revenue services
Good luck.
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