How many questions we should attend in aiims exam to get above 97 percentile
The first and foremost thing which you have to do is stop thinking about how many questions you should do. As the basic strategy should be to do as much as you can with less negative marking. To get admission in one of the AIIMS , one must have a percentile of at least 97. So, keeping that in mind a marks of 120+ is in safe range. However, one must also note that the percentile matters not the marks so it depends on the topper, paper , and shift. Moreover do not guess any question as it will lead to the negative marking.
Good luck

Hey Kantesh,
Prefer to attempt all the questions as far as marks and rank is concerned. You should attempt as many as questions because you don't know your attempted question is right or wrong?? And AIIMS is such an awsome place to take your medical degree so don't bind yourself with percentiles. Best of luck for your future.
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