How many score are required for BDS in NEET in MP?
Hi aspirant
Since you have not mentioned what category you belong to it's a bit difficult to tell. However we can go through the trends and predict for you .
You can predict your rank using our rank predictor by the following link
You can also predict what college you might get alloted. Check our college predictor using the following link.
Now let's have a look at the closing ranks of government BDS colleges in Madhya Pradesh. There is only one government dental college in Madhya Pradesh i.e GDC, Indore.
Government dental college and hospital, Indore
UR 26820
OBC 31981
SC 135489
This is the information based on the government dental colleges of Madha Pradesh. There are around 14 DCI approved private dental colleges in Madhya Pradesh. You can opt for admission there too under the deemed/paid seats quota once you qualify NEET.
Hope this helps
All the best:)
Hello Aspirant,
So if we go through previous years cut-offs (as for this year the counselling is yet to be conducted) then according to that, you should try to score at least 200+ marks out of 720 in NEET UG 2022 to get seat in dental colleges in MP.
You can check out previous year's results from the link given below :-
NEET 2021 Cutoff MP - College-wise Cutoffs, Government & Private (
It is quite difficult to make any accurate prediction of cut-off for any particular college because the cut-off keeps on changing every year depending upon various factors such as :-
*** number of candidates appeared in NEET UG
*** difficulty level of the paper
*** top score for NEET UG
*** total number of seats available for admission and so on.
Note that the above prediction is made on the basis of previous year's cut-off and the cut-offs are bound to change every year depending upon various factors such as the number of candidates appearing in an examination, the number of candidates qualifying an examination, difficulty level of the paper, and so on.
To have a list of all those colleges which you can get based upon your marks, category, and state you can use NEET College Predictor because it will make you comfortable while choice filling in counselling :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
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How many marks required for BDS in NEET
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