How many students give exam in jmi law exam every year??
Answer (1)
According to 2018 analysis 3284 students wrote the exam.
cutoff varies yearly depending upon difficulty of paper. And Jamia didn't provide cutoff for B. A. Llb
But according to my experience if you have done 80% or more answers correct ( I am not talking about marks, but% right) of the total questions, your chances are high probably in first cutoff list.
If you have done 70-80% questions right still you have chances in preceding lists, if 6070% your chances are getting reduced but may get selected in waiting lists or may not.
If less than 60%, chances of selection are very low.
It is for a general candidate, cutoff goes in decreasing order
General<Muslim men<Jamia internal<Muslim women<kashmiri migrant<physically handicapped.
For exam pattern and more info
Hope this is helpful.
Good luck.
According to 2018 analysis 3284 students wrote the exam.
cutoff varies yearly depending upon difficulty of paper. And Jamia didn't provide cutoff for B. A. Llb
But according to my experience if you have done 80% or more answers correct ( I am not talking about marks, but% right) of the total questions, your chances are high probably in first cutoff list.
If you have done 70-80% questions right still you have chances in preceding lists, if 6070% your chances are getting reduced but may get selected in waiting lists or may not.
If less than 60%, chances of selection are very low.
It is for a general candidate, cutoff goes in decreasing order
General<Muslim men<Jamia internal<Muslim women<kashmiri migrant<physically handicapped.
For exam pattern and more info
Hope this is helpful.
Good luck.
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