How much apemcet rank I have to get a seat in G. pullareddy engineering college for cse course ?
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You haven't mentioned your category here is the cut off in 2020 for admission to Computer Science Engineering in G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College. The cut off mentioned is for male and female respectively
- General: 9332 9332
- SC: 34023 34023
- ST: 63732 63732
- BC-A: 13260 13260
- BC-B: 11360 11360
- BC-C: 18334 18334
- BC-D: 12313 13536
- BC-E: 15428 15605
- EWS: 8040 7668
As you haven't mentioned your category we assume that you belong to general category, considering the cut off for general category you need to secure a rank around 9000 to have decent chances of getting seat in CSE in the preferred institute. Cut off is subjected to change it may increase or decrease depending on the total number of candidates applied, difficulty level of examination and total number of seats available etc. To check the cut off click use the link given below
To get the list of more institutes in which you may get seat you may use our AP EAPCET college predictor tool
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