Latest: CAT 2024 IIMs/Non-IIMs MBA GD-PI Call Predictor - Analyze Now
Hi Ravi,
Irrespective of your past academic records, you need to secure more than 95 percentile in CAT, especially if you belong to general category. The primary shortlist is done on the basis of CAT sectional and overall percentile.
If your aggregate for Class XII and graduation is average, you must try and secure a high percentile in CAT and preferably gather some work experience in order to convert IIM or other top B-school admission calls. You also need to perform well in WAT and PI rounds, as cAT percentile alone does not guarantee your admission in the top IIMs like IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta amongst others. All the best!!
MBA/PGDM Admissions OPEN
All IIMs accept CAT scores for admission. In order to get a shortlist for GD-PI you need to clear the sectional cutoffs of each section and then have a high overall percentile.
For specific sectional cutoffs, In general it is 80%ile + in all three sections. Few IIMs may give extra weightage to one section and keep it as 85%ile + for that section. It is always safe to maintain above 85%ile in every section. Further to this, only a top few are selected by each IIM. Here is the list of Overall percentiles based on my analysis:
IIM Ahmedabad - 99.5
IIM Bangalore - 98
IIM Clacutta - 99
IIM Lucknow - 96
IIM Kozhikode - 95
IIM Indore - 95
IIM Shillong - 97
New IIMs - 94
Baby IIMs - 93
These are the safe scores that you should target. For more info you can read this link: Https://
Once you get a shortlist each institute has a separate CAT score weightage which can range from 10% to 55%. The cumulative score of CAT, GD, PI decides your seat in IIM.
All the best
Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result.
IIMs rate students on various different parameters.
The first and foremost is obviously Cat score. Cutoffs of various IIMs can be found in the link below.
On an average anything below 95 means you have negligible hopes to get into an IIM.
But once you have a call, Cat score generally forms 30-55% of the total aggregate on which you're evaluated on. The other parameters include your GD-PI-Wat scores, your extra/co-curriculars, your workex, profile and gender diversity.
Different IIMs have different cutoffs for all these sections so whichever college you are trying to get into, visit their websites and do a thorough research about their admission criteria.
Hope this answers your query.
All the best.
There 6 top IIMs which are IIM A , B , C , K , I , L. Each of them has a different cut off score and criteria of selction.
(General Category)
IIM A,B,C - min 99%
IIM K,L,I - Min 97-98%
And these CAT scores will only ensure a WAT and PI call. After receviving the call you'll have different set of criteria for selection. Usually they take the aggregate of CAT score , WAT score , GD score (for IIM K and I ) and PI score. Once you cross the cut off you'll get the admission.
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