How much i need to score in cat exam to get into IIMCalcutta;My profile in 10th 95% in 12th 88% and in my graduate 70%??
As you have a good academic records so you will have an upper hand becuase generally weightage of academic records is around 10-25% in the first merit list.
But still to get a call from IIM C which is a premiere institute and is ranked among the top 3 IIMs you need to score 99.67+ percentile.
And after getting a call you will need to perform excellently in WSAT and interview. Failing to do so will not get you admission because after second round again a final merit list is made in which generally WSAT and interview has highest weightage along with the CAT marks.
All the best!!
Your academics are good and much is depended on your car percentile too.
IIM Calcuttahas released the admission criteria for the post graduate programme in management 2017-19. This years CAT cutoff has remained similar as that of last years. The overall CAT cutoff required by general category student is 90 percentile.
The minimumCAT cutofffor all the categories has remained same. The cutoff for Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Non-creamy Other Backward Castes (NC-OBC), and Persons with disabilities (PWD) is to 70, 70, 85, and 70 respectively.
The IIM Admission Process is a two-step process
Common Admission TestCAT, and
Personal Interview (PI) and Written Ability Test (WAT)
Candidates are first shortlisted on the basis of the CAT cut-off percentiles, sectional as well as overall, along with past academic record and work experience. After the shortlist, the candidates are called for WAT- PI rounds conducted by each of the IIMs. The selection at this round is based on the performance at each stage of the round with assessment on past academic records, work experience, co-curricular activities and diversity factors (if applicable). Each parameter is assigned a particular weightage on the basis of which the final merit list is prepared. The parameters and their weights vary with each of the IIMs.
Well i hope things are now clear to you
I suggest you to check this link out
Cheers !!
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