how much Mark's are required in neet from sc category to get addmision in Aiims Delhi or AFMC pune?
Predicting the marks required to get a seat in AIIMS Delhi is quite difficult as cut off marks / rank for medical colleges keeps changing every year depending upon various factors like number of students that appeared in the neet examination, kind of marks obtained by students in neet , toughness level of the neet examination, number of seats available etc but when we go through previous year trends then
In neet 2020 cut off for AIIMS Delhi is provided below category wise :-
Category cut off rank cut off marks
General 51 705
Obc 218 692
Sc 1198 671
St 2239 660
You can check the same by downloading the result pdf available on the official website of MCC the link is provided below
So, if you from sc category then to get a seat in Aiims Delhi you should target at least 675 marks in neet 2021
Coming to AFMC
In AFMC, there's no caste/ category based reservation. Though 10 seats are for SC/St but sc/st candidates are eligible for it only if they come under 500 rank in the combined merit list of boys and girls.
In AFMC, Pune there are a total of 150 mbbs ,seat distribution is given below
Category |
Number of seats |
Male |
115 |
Female |
30 |
Sponsored by Ministry of Home Affairs |
5 |
Total seats |
150 |
It's quite difficult to predict the marks required to get a seat in AFMC but yes when we go through previous year trends then last 3 years neet cut off for mbbs is given below
Gender |
Neet cutoff 2020 marks |
Neet 2019 Cutoff marks |
Neet 2018 Cutoff marks |
Boys |
618 |
596 |
551 |
Girls |
637 |
610 |
551 |
You can check the same at
But ,
cut off marks keeps changing every year depending upon various factors like number of students that appeared in the exam, kind of marks obtained by them , toughness level of the examination etc
If you want to get into afmc, you need to target at least 650 marks in neet 2021 examination to be on the safer side
After qualifying neet cut off of AFMC , you will have to give some additional examination to get admission in AFMC , that is :-
--------------) Test of English Language, Comprehension, Logic, and Reasoning which is called ToELR,
--------------) Psychological Assessment Test i.e. PAT,
--------------) Interview
After clearing these, finally you will have to go through your Medical Examination then finally you are selected for admission in AFMC.
To be eligible for AFMC mbbs,
********* you should pass all the subjects in your class 12th in your first attempt with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology and must get at least 60% in aggregate of PCB i. e Physics, Chemistry and Biology and at least 50% marks in English and 50% marks individually in each of PCB , also should have studied and passed maths in the class 10th.
********* You must be at least 17 years old by 31st December of the year in which you apply, and must not be of age of 24 years on that date i.e If you are going to take admission in 2021 then your date of birth must not be earlier than 1st January 1998 and it should not be later than 31st December 2004
For detailed information go through
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