How much marks required in wbjee for SC student to get Jadavpur University in CSE department???
Hello Ani,
It is difficult to say marks, because marks vary every year, depending on the difficulty level of the paper.
Note. First of all, it depends whether you are from other state or a resident of West Bengal.
Because if you are an outsider ( *any category) you will be treated as a general candidate in wbjee. NO reservation for outsiders. Then, marks would be as high as 150 or more( for safer side). It may be less than 150 depending upon the difficulty level of the paper.
But if you are from w Bengal and SC candidate then you can get CSE with a rank of 800 something . ( I met two people near this rank who got CSE this year 2018).
So work hard, CSE is one of the best department in Jadavpur University.
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