Bihar Board Class 10 Paper with Solution: Maths | Science
Class 10 Model Papers: Hindi | Maths | Science | English | Fine Arts | Adv. Maths | S.Science
Class 10 Model Papers: Commerce | Economics | H.Science | Music | Sanskrit | Urdu
The Bihar Board has increased the prize money for toppers in the 2025 exams. The first-rank topper will now receive Rs 2 lakhs, a laptop, and a Kindle e-book reader, along with a medal. The second-rank topper will receive Rs 1.5 lakhs, a laptop, and a medal, while the third-rank topper will receive Rs 1 lakh, a laptop, and a medal
Hello aspirant,
The previous incentive of Rs 1 lakh will now be increased to Rs 2 lakh for the student who places first in the BSEB Class 10, 12 exams in 2025. Second Rank: Previously awarded Rs 75,000, the second-place student would now receive Rs 1.5 lakh, a substantial rise.
For complete information, you can visit our site through following link:,from%20the%20previous%20Rs%2075%2C000.
Thank you
Student can download Bihar Board class 10th sample papers to boost their preparation.
The Bihar Board topper receives various cash rewards and benefits. The 1st rank holder in Class 12 gets 1 lakh, a laptop, and a Kindle e-reader from the Bihar government. The 2nd and 3rd rank holders get 75,000 and 50,000, respectively. For Class 10 toppers, the 1st ranker gets 1 lakh, and top 10 rankers receive financial assistance. These rewards aim to encourage academic excellence.
Hope this helps you,
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