How much striphen get during MBBS,MD or MS and MCH?
Hello aspirant,
Stipend in central government colleges is comparatively higher when compared to state government, they are nearly payed equal scale of their grades in other departments.
1)UCMS,LHMC,VMMC,RML -its nearly 80000 excluding HRA, for first year,then certain increment every year for next two years.
State governments:
1)New delhi:MAMC -85000 for 1st year, and nearly 90000 for final year.
2)U.P:It depends upon college,but around 50000
3)Tamil nadu:37500,39500, 40500 respectively
4)Rajasthan:It is around 37000
5)Karnataka: 40000–45000
6)kerala: around 40000.
7) Maharashtra:50000
Jipmer, Pgi chandigarh, Aiims are central autonomous institutions were we get same pay as other central institutions as I have mentioned earlier.
Hope it's helpfull for u people.