it grnerally takes 6-8 months for the preparation of CAT exam. You can also take coaching for it. You can clear it if you work hard with dedication and can get into IIM. You can start preparing for it in the last year of college. For now you can improve your knowledge with the current affairs which will help you in personal interview round.
Hi ananya,
CAT is divided into 3 sections Verbal ability and Reading comprehension(VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical reasoning(DI/LR) and Quantitative aptitude(QA). Each section have 32-34 question with 1 hour to solve the each section. The level of CAT is from moderate to difficult. For CAT, i can say, Six months time is considered ideal for preparation. In order to clear the exam you need to do smart and target preparation. If you are serious about getting into IIMs then you should start your preparation immideatly.
You dont have to do deep studying now but you can act smartly. Like you can develop a habit of reading if you are not a effective reader. Plus you will learn new words by reading different kinds of novels and newspaper, This habit will help you in VARC section of cat.
Also if you are not good in maths then you can give at least 2-4 hour every week to brush up your basics.
Also you should give time to build your profile by doing internships during your graduation. Work on your communication skills and develop your personality. Take parts in different cultural programmes held in your college. Be aware of whats happening around the world. You can also learn some short term certification course through any recognaised institue or online platforms.
Doing all of these will definitely help you in CAT exam and in interviews.
Also you can refer to this link to get to know more about cat. https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/cat-when-and-how-start-preparations
I wish you all the best for your graduation! :)
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