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The preparation time totally depends upon your background knowledge and the source and method you are following. It really depends from people to people and 4 months is also good, if you have enough knowledge for preparing according.
In this 4 months you can solve sample paper and solve last years paper.
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Dear Student,
To prepare for CAT you need to have strategically design your preparation schedule.I don't know how much time you spend on your preparation.If you spend 3-4 Hours daily then it will takes some more than 4 months nearly 7-8 months but if you give more time then it may possible it all depends on your weaknesses and strengths.You should first focus on theory like read daily Hindu Editorials,Economics Times for vocabulary .For quant section you have to first write formulas according to syllabus of different topics then prepare each level of questions(starting from basic one to advanced one) of one topic (not pick different topics at starting)at a time from different sourcesFor Logical reasoning & Data Interpretation you have to again prepare from different sources.You don't need to worry about timing for solving questions for 1 month then after 1 month you have to manage your timing as speed matters in CAT exam then you should start attempting previous years questions or mock tests. You have to analyze your schedule for few weeks that how much time you can spend then prepare accordingly.
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