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For a Person with Disability, Recently IIM-A has reduced it's criteria and is expected to follow soon by other IIM'S.
PWD now the sectional cutoff is 50 percentile in CAT in all the sections throughout.
Overall sectional percentile is 60 percentile required.
To get a call , you should be eligible and try to be in range of 70 percentile to get a sure call fr IIMS.
Hope it clears your doubts. All the best for your future endeavours.
Feel free to contact incase of any queries.
The cutoff for the PWD category studnets are lower than the general cut-offs. There is no specific percentile that can gurantee the call, but going by the general trends try to get over 60 in each section and over 70-80 overall percentile to be in safe zone. A friend of mine cracked IIM C,l,k in pwd category at 98 percentile. Sohigher the percentile higher are the chances.
Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result.
PWD candidates have very low cutoff compared to general category. But it's not overall.its sectional also. For different IIM'S it is different.
Refer below link for sectional cutoff for 2018
So ideally you should score atleaat 60 percentile in each section to get a call from good IIM'S.
Though other factors like a academics, extra curricular activities and work experience also plays an important role for getting the shortlist.
I hope it clears your doubt.
All the best
PWD section generally has lower cut off section compared to General Category. So, you will be having better chances than the most of the competent out there. So, do utilise this opportunity. Usually, in the IIMA it’s 70 percentile, and if you score near 79-80, you have clear cut chance to get in. So, from general category. You will be having an average difference of 20 percentile. So, based on that, you can figure out PWD section‘s cut off. So, prepare well and ace it.
Here is a full list of the percentiles and sectional cut-offs that IIMs require for the DA / PwD category:
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