How proper crick jee mains 2021 ?which chapter important
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JEE Main is a highly competitive exam and the better you will prepare for the exam, the lesser you will have to worry in the examination.
To start your preparation, you should know the detailed syllabus and pattern of the exam.
75 questions are asked in the exam with a time duration of 180 minutes which means you will get 2 minutes and 24 seconds to solve each question. Difficulty level of the exam increases every year so you should work on enhancing your speed as well as accuracy.
You should make a time table and devote time and focus on each subject. Strategize your preparation in a way to get the best percentile. Learning speed of every student is different so you should make a time table as per your abilities.
Refer good books. There are so many books and preparation material available but you should focus on studying from the quality content which helps you in concept clarity. Clearing of concepts is very important. If your concepts will bee cleat then you will be able to solve even the difficult questions asked in the exam easily.
Study from NCERTs for concept clarity and refer to other books also for in depth knowledge.
Attempt mock tests, solve previous years' papers, practicing mock tests will help you a lot in increasing your speed as well as making you familiar with the exam pattern. Regular mock tests will also make you more confident.
Important Chapters for JEE Main are
Rotational Motion
Modern Physics
Complex Number
Conic Section
Vector & 3 D
Trigonometric Equation
Properties of Triangles
Quadratic Equation
Sequence and Series
Permutations and combination
Chemical bonding
Coordination compound
Salt analysis
Ionic equilibrium
Thermodynamics & thermochemistry
Aldehydes and ketones
Aromatic hydrocarbons
GOC isomerism
Liquid solutions
Alkyl halides and aryl halides
For the complete preparation of JEE Main 2021, I would suggest you to enrol for this preparation program JEE Main 2021 Preparation program
This is the program which will help you from clearing your basics to making you capable of solving the difficult questions in the exam.
Check the complete details and features of the program here: JEE Main Knockout
Do let us know if you have any other queries.
All the Best!
Follow the below tips to prepare well for your JEE 2021-
*Go through the syllabus of JEE first , your major focus should be on clearing concepts while going through the syllabus as good command over concepts is required to solve questions in JEE
Some of the top books which you can follow for the preparation of your JEE examination and master JEE syllabus is provided below:-
*Concepts of physics Vol I and II by HC Verma
*Problems in General Physics by I.E Irodov
*Objective questions on physics by DC Pandey
Mathematics :
*Maths XI and XII by RD Sharma
*Complete mathematics by TMH
*New pattern mathematics for JEE by Arihant publications
*Ncert Chemistry for class XI and XII
*Physical Chemistry by OP Tondon
*Numerical Chemistry by P Bahadur
*Organic chemistry by OP Tondon
*Practice questions:- after finishing each chapter you should practice numericals and mcqs
*You should practise at least 80 to100 numericals and mcqs in Each chapter to master concepts so that you can solve numericals and MCQs easily
JEE 2021 syllabus is going to be reduced by 30% but as of now it has not been declared that which chapters or topics are going to be removed so nothing can be said about important chapters but if we follow previous years trends then some important chapters with highest weightage are listed below subjectwise
*Modern Physics -20 marks
*Heat and Thermodynamics-12 marks
*Optics - 12 marks
*Current Electricity- 12 marks
*Electrostatics- 12 marks
*Magnetics- 8 marks
*Transition Elements and Coordination *Chemistry- 12 marks
*Periodic table and Representative Elements- 12 marks
*Thermodynamics And Gaseous State- 8 marks
*Atomic Structure- 8 marks
*Chemical Bonding - 8 marks
*Chemical And Ionic Equilibrium - 8 marks
*Solid State And Surface Chemistry - 8 marks
*Nuclear Chemistry And Environment - 8 marks
*Coordinate Geometry-20 marks
*Limits, Continuity and Differentiability-12 marks
*Integral Calculus:- 12 marks
*Complex numbers and Quadratic Equation :- 8 marks
*Matrices and Determinants:- 8 marks
*Statistics and Probability:- 8 marks
*Three Dimensional Geometry:- 8 marks
Vector Algebra:- 8 marks
* You should make chapterwise short notes for each chapter and it should contain all the important concepts and formulas
*Revise your concepts, important formulas etc at regular intervals, like once in a week or 15 days .
*Make routine or timetable :- you can make a routine as well and try to give at least 8 hours or more to study.
*Solve previous year JEE questions :-it will let you know the examination pattern, type and difficulty level of questions etc
* Once done with complete syllabus, go through JEE mock test papers , it will let you know your preparation level and and weak areas so that you can work on them and perform well in your examination
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