how should I prepare for CAT exam
- Overlook the entire CAT Syllabus and Exam Pattern to make sure you have not kept any topic completely unsupervised
- Instead of strengthening the topics that you are already good at, focus on improving the areas in which you struggle
- Make sure you have set aside a daily set period of 3-4 hours for regular preparation
- Set aside a major portion of your preparation time to work on improvement
- Sit for timed sectional and full length mock tests that have different ranges of difficulty
- Complete your full CAT preparation atleast 10 days in advance so that you have time for revision
- Treat your mock tests like the final CAT exam.
- Make sure you keep a record of how much time you spend completing each mock test as well as its distinct sections
- Revise the formulas for Quantitative Ability before solving the questions
- If you only have a couple of days left for the exam, do not start anything brand new
- Keep practicing mock tests regularly and try to improve your timing and efficiency
- Do not get stuck onto a question you cannot answer, come back to it later if required
- Do not judge your entire capability and worth on the basis of the mock test results
- Manage your time well during the examination, do not spend an exessive amount of time on one section
- Make sure you have slept and eaten adequately before the exam so that you can give it with a cool mind
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