How should i prepare for JNUEE for MA.Philosophy? and which books are best to refer?
Saurav, because the exam is based on what you learnt during your BA, you are expected to be familiar with the concepts of Standard Philosophy Course taught in BA. You need to have good grasp on topics like MetaPhysics/Oncology, Epistemology and Logic, Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy.
MetaPhysics/Oncology: Being and Becoming; Appearance and Reality; Abhva; Substance; Theories of Consciousness; Self, Non-Self, and Other; Brahman, tman and Jagat; Personal Identity; Freewill and Determinism; Causation; Potentiality and Actuality; Time and Space; Existence of God.
Epistemology and Logic: Different Theories, of Knowledge; Pramnas and Pramnyavda; Theories of Error; Truth and Meaning; JTB and Gettier's Problem; Certainty, Fallibility and Scepticism; Laws of Thought; Classification of Proposition; Categorical Syllogism; Truth Tables; Formal Proofs of Validity; Venn Diagram; Quantification.
Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy: Purushrthas; Rta, Rna and Yagya; Goodness; Justice and Virtues; End and Means; Duty and Obligation; Ethical Theories (Normative and Metaethics); Themes of Applied Ethics; 'Non-violence; Marginalization and Discrimination; Secularism; Liberty, Equality and Rights; Nationalism; Globalization.
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