How should I prepare my syllabus for government exam? I am preparing for SSC CGL & banking. Can you tell me perfect schedule? and about best books, how many hours should I study?, and about study materials and some tricks for better study and concentration.
Dear Student,
Most of the competitive Govt. Exam has one thing common , which is aptitude and current affairs .. prepare the aptitude portions very consciously as the CA portion is huge and the marks can be came from Aptitude portion mostly.. then the verbal and reasoning, these can be improved on daily practice basis .. you can follow the schedule given below:
- Daily practice reasoning and verbal
- weekly give mock tests in Quant
- at least one cloze test everyday
- Reading comprehension (weekly basis)
- Be consistent
- Develop your time management skills through the test series.
You can follow Arihant's books for these exams .
To know more details, refer this :
Hope this helps !
SSC CGL Complete Guide
Candidates can download this ebook to know all about SSC CGL.