How should I read now to crack iit jee, if I start preparation now for jee 2020?
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Hello Aspirant,
Here are some of the preparation tips, You can follow for the Exam.
Work on a Time Table : After carefully checking the syllabus of JEE Main work towards creating a perfect timetable which will fit your schedule while leaving enough time to prepare for the examination within the days left.
Devide & Segregate the JEE Main Syllabus: The topics from the JEE Main syllabus must be divided into easy, tough and very tough so that the how to prepare for JEE Main plan is made accordingly.
Make your Basic Concepts Strong : While it is essential to study the topics mentioned in the official syllabus, it is also advised to study the basic concepts well first. By knowing the basic concepts of the units involved in the examination, you will be able to understand each topics well and in depth. This will result in a greater understanding of the topics and will make it simpler for you to study complicated concepts present in the syllabus.
Improve your Weak Points : Stressed over some topics or formulas which you just cannot seem to understand? Give more time and focus on these topics to improve it. Keep small notes and constantly revise those concepts which has been hard to understand. By constantly studying the topics you find difficult.
Attempt Mock Test and Solve Sample Papers : Mock tests will give you an almost real experience of how the examination will be. By solving mock tests, you will be able to work on time management while at the same time understanding the question paper pattern.
Revision : While studying it is important to revise those topics which has already been studied. It is advised that each day, a certain amount of time should be divided for revision purposes.
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This is the answer that I've give for someone who is preparing for 2019 but if you can do all these or atleast 80% of it you'll end up getting a rank below 2000 which is considered great and I said 2000 in worst case.
Now JEE is something which isn't just achieved by reading and solving problems. It's a kind of art to prepare for JEE. The student who does numerous problems can also flunk on the exam day if he doesn't have proper organisation. Before thinking of the preparation,first keep in mind one thing JEE isn't a normal exam which you can study like you've done for your boards and get a top mark. So here you need something more like determination,self sacrifice yorself for 2 years(believe me if you are an average student you need to do it,many say that you don't need to prepare for a single exam that way but it's needed because I ain't an IITian and I've experienced this thing.Trust me it doesn't work the other way) you must be just focused to your goal of getting IIT. Avoid all kinds of distractions like,
# If you have any intention of having a smart phone then please throw that idea into dustbin and just have a normal phone just for calls. (Smart phone is the most deadly thing which can get you flunked. Trust me again I'm saying and I am not an IITian and you have to believe me.)
# Avoid Television or better see TV for 30 minutes or 1 hour rather than using a mobile (I'm serious about this).
# Never ever procrastinate. Do your work on time. If you feel like postponing then count 3 say yourself I'll do it and start your work you will surely see the difference.
# This is the most important point! Avoid girlfriends or boyfriends. But try to be cool in your own way.
# And even friends must be kept away (sad but true but you can meet during vacation but don't make a habit of it).
Now here comes the way you prepare for JEE. Think JEE preparation as constructing a building, we start with the base then pillars then we set up the platform and paint. For this you need to have right guidance and right set of books.Surely go for coaching classes and now apart from that what you do matters the most. The basic thing you need to do is listen classes daily and prepare regular notes ( Must,then only you'll have an idea about the portion and the ways to solve problems). Then comes your turn to reproduce what's taught I'm class and be in such a way that you finish your week's syllabus on the same week as I said never ever procrastinate. Now comes the point of practicing, but from where? First again you need to go from base.
# Starting with chemistry.First read NCERT book line by line literally line by line very perfectly and have OP Tandon ( but I'd prefer directly start with OP Tandon and read every line from thins book understand it perfectly but work smart by knowing your strengths and weaknesses, I mean don't waste time on a topic which you are really really really perfect). For organic OP Tandon and Himanshu Pandey,first finish OP Tandon then go for Himanshu pandey when you finish the syllabus for problems. For Organic OP Tandon and then JD Lee but first finish OP Tandon and use JD Lee for the topics you need more preparation and asked more frequently in Advanced. For Physical better do P.Bahadur and get your basics clear from NCERT and then solve numerical problems in chemistry from P.Bahadur ( physical will be easy in advanced).
# Now coming to maths, start with your base. Be ahead of your coaching and finish off NCERT (if you can't then do NCERT and whatever I say below in parallel).Solve from Cengage,TMH.Provlems will be hard but develop the way to think that high,that's ehy avoid all distractions said above. Start to think. Do every topic from those books exempt permutations and combinations, probability. These two listen to your sir carefully,they are easy topics but many feel them hard best you do it from the scrap and understand everything line by line from NCERT. But remember listening to class is the most important thing for every subject,I literally mean every subject.
# Now coming to Physics, this is a beautiful subject which will blow up your mind, but with right practice it's very very easy and it's my favourite subject. First start with the bible of Physics HC Verma then go for DC Pandey as soon as you finish a chapter in HCV. DC Pandey objective will be in set of books like mechanics,optics,electricity and magnetism etc. (May be 5 books but very very very useful). It's very very useful. Then after you feel you see good at few topics go for IRODOV. But the fact about Physics is the preparation doesn't end with 3 books you need an exposure of wide variety of sums so better you consult your sir and get close to him make him seem interested in you and ask him to give you some more sums from his collection ( trust me very very very useful). Not only for Physics but also for all 3 subjects.
Now subject wise analysis is done. But apart from this you need to give weekly tests and have a error analysis book( 100000000% important) and also a formula book for 3 subjects ( Much more important than error analysis). Update the above two books daily and these are the two which will be your friends during the last day preparation and remember to finish 11th topics in 11th. At least which do not have any resemblense with 13th topic but make the list as big as possible. Be right on with your concepts and application. Remember that JEE paper will be set by keeping a moderate student in mind so you need to know how to pic easy moderate and difficult questions. And fo 30 problems from.from each subject daily. Keep it like 15 easy 10 moderate and 5 hard. Write errors in the book which you keep. Now the above thin is what an ideal student does but try to do at least 90% of it ( but surely have error book and a formula book). I can guarantee a very good rank in JEE, by very good I mean a rank below 1000.
Cracking Jee by preparing only for one year is very hard task and requires lots of hard work and practice.To start with you should take coaching as it helps you clear doubts,gives you more practice and conducts tests regularly.From your side each and every day should be utilised as you have very less time to complete the huge syllabus.You should take tests and clear your doubts,find your mistakes and solve them.In this one year you have to be active and energetic.You must solve previous years question paper and check where you stand.
All the Best
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