how to apply for haryana online b tech admissions?
Answer (1)
Candidates can know the right procedure to fill the application form of Haryana B.Tech 2018 by following the steps mentioned below:
Step 1-Haryana B.Tech Registration
To register, candidates will have to fill the following information:
Email address
Mobile Number
Step 2 Filling the required personal information
Course (by selecting)
Roll No
Application No
Security Code
Step 3 - Filling in the required academic and contact information
Gender of the candidate
Category of the candidate
Sub-category of the candidate
Haryana domicile
Physically handicapped certificate (if applicable)
Education qualification of the candidate
% age marks in aggregate of all scores
Name of School/ Collegeof the candidate from where eligible educational qualification attained
Type of School/ College of the candidate
Location of School/ College of the candidate
Parental Annual Income (Exact income from all sources)
Password and Re-enter Password
Contact Address of the candidate
City/ Town of the candidate
Home District of the candidate
Pin Code
Mobile number
Email address
Step 4 - Submission of the Haryana B.Tech application and choice filling
After filling all the details, candidates will be required to click on the continue button before proceeding.
Before they click the continue button, candidates can make the changes in the information they have provided.
Candidates need to re-login and fill the choice of their engineering programme and the colleges in which they want admission.
Candidates are advised to fill in maximum choices.
Thank you
Step 1-Haryana B.Tech Registration
To register, candidates will have to fill the following information:
Email address
Mobile Number
Step 2 Filling the required personal information
Course (by selecting)
Roll No
Application No
Security Code
Step 3 - Filling in the required academic and contact information
Gender of the candidate
Category of the candidate
Sub-category of the candidate
Haryana domicile
Physically handicapped certificate (if applicable)
Education qualification of the candidate
% age marks in aggregate of all scores
Name of School/ Collegeof the candidate from where eligible educational qualification attained
Type of School/ College of the candidate
Location of School/ College of the candidate
Parental Annual Income (Exact income from all sources)
Password and Re-enter Password
Contact Address of the candidate
City/ Town of the candidate
Home District of the candidate
Pin Code
Mobile number
Email address
Step 4 - Submission of the Haryana B.Tech application and choice filling
After filling all the details, candidates will be required to click on the continue button before proceeding.
Before they click the continue button, candidates can make the changes in the information they have provided.
Candidates need to re-login and fill the choice of their engineering programme and the colleges in which they want admission.
Candidates are advised to fill in maximum choices.
Thank you
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