Hey Pavithran,
Aspirants should abide by the following steps to successfully fill the TANCET MBA 2018 counselling registration form-
Official website of Directorate of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu needs to be visited.
‘Register Online Application’ tab to be clicked.
Applicants will need to fill all the mandatory fields marked in red colour.
The course type for which a candidate is applying for; MBA / MCA option needs to be selected.
Valid email address and mobile number of candidates are required for further communication. DTE Tamil Nadu will send password details to the email address and mobile number.
Valid TANCET 2018 Number & TANCET 2018 Normalised mark should be provided.
After filling up the form, ‘Submit’ tab needs to be clicked to register the application.
After successful submission of application candidates will get login details in the email address and mobile number provided. Candidates have to print their application and print address label right after application submission or use login details to login into the system and print it later.
Applicants can use login details that they received in their email or mobile to access their applications for future. It is advised to change the password once they have logged into the system.
Candidates have to print both application and address label, affix address label print out on A4 size envelope and send to the officials by enclosing the original Demand Draft and required supporting documents as mentioned in the home page of the website.
Candidates should enclose an Original Demand Draft for Rs.300 drawn in favour of "The Secretary, TN MBA / MCA Admissions - 2018, GCT" payable at Coimbatore. Applications received without the Registration fee will be summarily rejected. Rs.150 for SC / SCA / ST Candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu (Self-attested Xerox copy of Community Certificate should be enclosed). Demand Draft can be drawn from any Indian Nationalised bank.
After submitting the online counselling form of TANCET MBA 2018, candidates need to send the printout of the application, along with other relevant enclosures and the original Demand Draft by post or dropped in a box at the office of the "The Secretary, TN MBA / MCA Admissions - 2018, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore 641013" before the last date specified. Only A4 size cover, duly affixed by the printed copy of the address label will be accepted. Before a prospective test taker starts filling the online registration form for the counselling session, ensure to read ‘How to fill Application?’, stated above.
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