the admission to BHU MBBS and B A m s is completely dependent upon the NEET UG 2019 examination results and your respective marks and ranks scored in that examination and those you will have to appear for the examination on 5th may 2019 and wait for the result publication by 5th June 2019 and it is only after you qualify with appropriate mass which satisfies the cutoff for the institution which will usually be around more than 550 for the state quota and more than 580 to 600 for the all India quota that you can choose BHU as one of your opted colleges during the counselling which would be held on the online portal and if any forms will be issued in such a god it would be notified on the website of BHU as well as on the Neet counselling website otherwise you will just on the way verification process and then after you have been allotted BHU through the online counselling you will go there for admission process completion