how to become an IAS OFFICER ?
Hello Aspirant,
To become an IAS officer, what you need to do is:
You’ll have to write an exam (UPSC exam) which has three Stages as follows -
Stage I: Preliminary examination - A qualifying test advertised in Feb-March and held in June-July each year. Results are published in mid-August.
Stage II: The Main examination - Held in October every year. Results are usually published in the second week of March.
Stage III: Personality Test (interview) - held in December each year. Final results are usually announced in May.
On the basis of the score of the Preliminary, you’ll be qualified for the mains exam and on the basis of the mains and PT test your rank will be decided.
Here is all about the Preliminary exam -
The pattern of the Preliminary examination up to 2010 was based on the recommendations of the Kothari Commission (1979). It included two examinations, one on general studies worth 150 marks, and the second on one of 23 optional subjects worth 300 marks. Until 2011, when it was revamped the preliminary pattern was sustained with only minor changes once every ten to fifteen years. From 2011 onwards, the preliminary examination, now popularly known as the Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT)(officially it is still called General Studies Paper-1 and Paper-2), intends to focus on analytical abilities and understanding rather than the ability to memorize. The new pattern includes two papers of two hours duration and 200 marks each.
Both papers have multiple choice objective type questions only.
All about the Main exam -
The written examination consists of nine papers, two qualifying and seven ranking in nature. The range of questions may vary from just one mark to sixty marks, twenty words to 600 words answers. Candidates who pass qualifying papers are ranked according to marks and a selected number of candidates are called for interview or a personality test at the Commission's discretion.
This was all about the procedure to become an IAS.
Hope this helps.
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