how to become rich what is the best career in future what should I study after10th
hlwo radhika
hope you are doing well
there are lots of way to be rich
but generally they are two basic ways either you can chose a high profile job or a buisness.
in business you have to start it then you have to grow it day by day you have to control all the departments of your business and there are so many things.
whereas if you choose a high profile job so for this you have to give a major portion of your life to be well educated for that post then you have to orove it that you are worthy for that post then you will get a good post in job where you can earn a lots of money.
it's not too easy to be rich. you have to work hard in both the cases either in job or in buisness.
you just need to be very strong determined and strong minded to be successful.
hope this will help you
all the very best for your upcoming future. wishing you to be a future millionier.