How to calculate 12 percentage if I have 6 subject PCM, Hindi, English and physical edu
To calculate the percentage, you need to have a total score obtained and the maximum possible score for only the best 5 subjects. It is mandatory to include English subject in the best 5 regardless of the score obtained in that subject.
Add up the total score obtained in the best 5 subjects and divide the score by the total possible score, then multiply by 100 to get the aggregate percentage.
You can calculate your marks from any five subjects in which you have scored good marks out of this six because percentage comes out from best five.
But in the time of admission in any college your main subject marks will be calculated along with english.
Good luck.
Hii saurav,
Basically percentage of marks is calculated on the basis of Total marks obtained in the exam and Total marks for which the exam was conducted.
As you are having the six subjects,First of all add all the marks which you have got in the total six subjects which is the obtained score
Now Add all the subjects total exam marks for which the exam was conducted i,e Total Marks (exam conducted).
For eg: If every exam was conducted gor 100 marks each and the taotak marks conducted was 600( total of 6 subjects) i,e total marks
If you have scored 540 out of 600 marks then the percentage will be calculated as 540÷60 (100) then the percentage of marks will be 90 % .
In the similar way Total marks obtained to the total marks conducted and multiplied with 100 gives you the required percentage.
Thank you.