How to calculate aggregate percentage?
In order to calculate the aggregate percentage in any exam you must know the weightage of each section of the exam.
Let w1, w2 and w3 be the weightages in percentage in A,B and C sections of exam. Then calculate
marks = (w1/100 * marks scored in A) + (w2/100 * marks scored in B) + (w3/100 * marks scored in C)
Total marks = (w1/100 * total marks of A) + (w2/100 * total marks of B) + (w3/100 * total marks of C)
Aggregate percentage = (marks/total marks)*100;
Hope this is helpful!
Aggregate percentage is calculated on particular subject if you want to calculate aggregate percentage you have to calculate it by given formula.
Marks in that subject/ Total marks of subject's.
For example suppose you have five subject having f
Following marks.
English- 90
Maths- 75
Music- 80
If you have to calculate aggregate marks for pcm it will be
225/300 100= 75%
Then your aggregate marks will be 75%
Hope this will help
Best of luck