How to calculate percentile and difference between percentage and percentile?
Hello there. Percentage and percentile are both the terms that are being used for evaluation of result.
As for percentage, it is being calculated by dividing your marks obtained by the total marks. While in case of percentile, it is being used for reference. In case of percentile, the candidate getting highest marks gets 100% percentile and now by taking the reference of that candidate, other student percentile is being calculated.
Let's understand better by example.
If you got 450 marks out of 500 then your percentage will be 450/500*100 i.e. 90%. Percentage is a individual result and doesn't effect others.
Now let's consider that student with 450 marks is topper then he gets 100 percentile and now for other percentile, it will be considered as base line. If any student get 400 marks, then his percentile will be 400/450*100 i.e. 88.9 percentile.