how to crack jee mains and advanced
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Bhanu, over the years, there have been few chapters that have been given more weightage over the years. So if you can prepare accordingly, you can score good. You can prepare for JEE Mains with the help of our JEE Knockout packages: . Alternatively,
In Physics, Modern Physics take the top slot with 5 questions. Heat and Thermodynamics, Optics, Current Electricity, Elcetrostatics get 3 questions each. Magentics has 2 questions and the rest get 1 question each.
In Chemistry, Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry, Periodic Table and Representative elements take 3 questions slot. Thermodynamics and Gaseous state, Atomic structure, Chemical Bonding, Chemical and Iconic Equilibrium, Solid State and Surface Chemistry and Nuckear Chemistry and Environment get 2 questions slot each and the remaining get 1 question each.
In Mathematics, Co-ordinate Geometry gets 5 questions. Limits, Continuity and Differentiability, Integral Calculus get 3 questions slot each. The rest get 2 and 1 questions slot. For complete breakdown, please read our article:
Once you know the syllabus and weightage, you should have a clear strategy as to how to prepare for the Mains and Advanced. Have a time table, stick to it Understand the exam pattern because NTA made few changes to the exam pattern and practise as many as previous question papers as you can along with mock tests. Attempt atleast one mock test a week. Write down important formulae, period table and important notes on post its and stick them so that even if you are lying on bed, you can memorise them. For more information,please read our article:
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