How to crack jiipmer within 16 days?
Hello Anu
JIPMER is also a highly competitive exam and it is scheduled to be conducted on June 2, 2019. To prepare for the exam during the last week, you should practice mock tests. It will help you to enhance your speed and also analyze your preparation level.
You can enroll for JIPMER knockout for Smart Study Material, Advanced test series, performance analysis. Check the detaild information-
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Hii,according to your query i am here to help you.Here are some tip which help you to crack jiipmer:
-Read NCERT books thoroughly, and refer another few books for each subject to know a little more about a particular topic Try understanding basics and then move to depths of a topic
-Choose a chapter you are weak in and one that is important from the exam point of view.
-Monitor your progress by taking tests. Tests help in your preparation, time management and understand your weaknesses. You can practice few question from this website called Oztern.
-Try to bifurcate your time equally among all subjects. Instead of focusing on a single subject, try to prepare all subjects in a methodical manner. Decide a time limit and try to finish all your subjects before that time
-Also try solving previous year papers. Although the questions may not be repeated, they will give you a plan about the exam, and about the type of questions that are frequented in JIPMER like 12 Years Solved Papers JIPMER Medical by editorial complilation.
-Breathing exercises should be included in this regime in order to relieve the stress and be ready for intellectual challenges.
Hope,this information will helpful for you.Goodluck.