How to decide between CSE in IIT Jodhpur and CSE in NIT Trichy?
Hi Aspirant!
We all know that college is compared on the basis of many aspect and after considering it NIRF ranked out college on every aspect that make college better.And according to NIRF ranking NIT Trichy ranks 9 in INDIA while IIT Jodhpur ranks 54 after observing this you can see the massive difference.Hence NIT CSE will be better option for you in my opinion but at last the choice is yours.
Happy Hustling!
In today's world there is no value of IIT tag, if you get good IIT then well and good but if you are getting NIT better than IIT you should go with NIT because it gives you better placement. The IIT tag will wander you and your relatives just for 6-7 months and after that at the time of Placement only matters the most is your salary which you will not get if you choose a college just on the basis of IIT TAG.
Hence I recommend you go with knowledge, experience, and placement which you will definitely get it the NIRF ranking is good for the college.
I hope it helps.