how to fill the application form of anna univercity counsiling
Dear Sudharsan S,
Thank you for putting up query in our platform. The process to be followed in TNEA counselling for each round is as follows:
*The list of eligible applicants for each round will be published
*Such applicants are required to first pay Rs.5000 (Rs. 1,000 for SC/SCA/ST) towards initial deposit through online mode.
*After payment, candidates must fill in their choices of courses and colleges in the order of their preference within three days.
*Seat allotment is then announced on the basis of the merit list and order of preference of choices entered by the candidates
*To check the provisional allotment, candidates have to login and confirm their allotment within the next two days.
*Candidates not allotted any seat can opt to participate in the next round. They can also opt to particpate in the next round.
*The final allotment will be announced after consideration of the allotment options received from the applicants.
*Once the final allotment is done, candidates are required to report to their allotted colleges within the stipulated time mentioned by the University.
Below is the link to know more about Anna University counselling:
Hope this solves your query.