How to find the downloaded eBook in carrer360
If you have downloaded a pdf or a file from our website, you can check your downloads in the browser that you are using. If it is not showing there, you can check your file manager where all the files that are downloaded are saved. If still not available, please change your browser and check again
Hope this helps,
Thank you
Downloaded e-books in Career360 are typically stored in the app's local storage or a folder created by the app on your device. Here’s how you can locate them:
On Android Devices:
Career360 App Folder
- Open your device's File Manager .
- Look for a folder named Career360 or a similar name related to the app. The e-books might be saved there.
Downloads Folder
- If the app saves e-books in the default Downloads folder, check there.
Search Option
- Use the search bar in your File Manager and type the name of the e-book or keywords like “Career360.”
On iOS Devices:
Inside the App
- Apple devices often save app-related files within the app itself. Open the Career360 app and check the My Downloads or similar section.
Files App
- Check the Files app under "On My iPhone/iPad" or "iCloud Drive" for a folder related to Career360.
On Computers:
- If you downloaded the e-books via a browser, check your default Downloads folder.
- Search by the e-book's name in the search bar.
Let me know if you need help locating them further!