how to get into software field without cs degree or bca or mca?( for any degree holders). please explain in detail.
see you may join in software programming by learning in institute like CDAC or nielit. there is many different type of software related course held every year and you have to qualify and must apply in time. eligibility criteria is candidates must have completed course in relevant discipline. apart from or bca or mca, in statistics or in statistics degree holders may join in data science field which would help them to learn the programming or statistics tools related with data science. however in case you are not from science back ground or maths or stats field it would be difficult to secure any job because of the company recruitment criteria. actually its become easy to get works in software field if you belongs to any of the field like , mca, in computer science and so on. software programming, software testing fields are divided in many of the course and work related path and for each of the position there is different eligibility criteria.
hope you understand.