How to get rank under 500 in comdk exam?
Go through all the formulas given in the syllabus without neglecting any small topics.
Practice the questions based on these formulas.
Cover inorganic and organic chemistry from NCERT.
You don't need to excel the higher order thinking questions but learn how to apply the formulas in the questions.
You will get 2 hours for solving 60 questions each from Physics and Chemistry which is ample time to finish. After 2 hours, segment of Maths will unlock, leaving you 60 minutes to solve 60 questions.
Therefore, keep track of time during doing maths and try to finish it 10 to 15 minutes early. Review your answers in these last minutes in which you can follow objective approach to the questions you left since there is no negative marking.
Learn the concepts, practice well and manage the time properly in exam. It will surely place you in top 500 ranks of COMED- K.