How to have a good life after pharmacy..
Answer (1)
Namaskar Nikhil. Thank you for asking the question. We at Career 360 will help you to solve queries as possible.
Well, having a good life depends on how your definition of good life is. Let's take a example
You will study very hard to acquire good marks. You will get fruits of your labour, you will secure a seat in the top most college of Pharmacy in state. Now you will think that you will have a good life which includes sleeping 6-7 hours a day, to sit in comfortable office with A/C, having no office work on weekends, no field visits. A life without stress. But for now you have to work seven days a week, you have to work overtime to finish he job for that day, do a lot of trial oriented work and will hardly get 3-4 hours of sleep a day. You in the future will not enjoy a job if you don‘t do this now, you will do it to earn a living.
So it depends upon how you like your job after graduation, that decides your good life. Live Long and Prosper. Nitish Nadkarni.
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