How to improve marks in physics
Dear Student,
Physics is the subject which needs to be dealt with a lot of patience. Don 't Panic. First make the theoretical aspect of the subject clear. Then go for problematic questions. Things you must do.....
Try to understand the question/situation. Read the questions carefully. Organize the information. Sketch the scene. Verify units. Consider your formulas and solve. Verify answer. Practice, practice & practice. Make it easy.
To understand the concept more deeply you can practice questions from H.C. Verma . This book has covered each and every question with detail explanation.
Practice MCQ problems from standard books like MTG, Arihant etc.
All the best.
Physics always turns out to be a nightmare for most of medical students preparing for neet. To score good in physics, one needs to have a strong basic concept build up. Practicing questions is most important as it teaches how to apply the concepts.
Good luck.
Irodov like books will get your solid concept where is books like Bhatnagar will give you good practice of sums
Slug SL Arora and Arihant well basically make your custom to the Neet pattern of CBSE pattern of questions according to the NCERT
Ultimate it is all about time management and how quickly and efficiently you can solve sums and usually try to reserve The Last hour of your Neet examination behind physics having completed the bio and Chemistry parts in the early hours for which you need to be thorough with these latter subjects
Especially to the diagrams based on circuits of inductance capacitance and electromagnetism and current electricity and also Thermodynamics and mechanics
Hope this helps, thank you
Understand why a particular formula is written in a particular form and understand the physics behind it.
Try to remember physics by relating it to practical world.
Solve varieties of questions possible from good books like H C Verma.
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