how to join ncc without college or school
How to join ncc without collage or school
Aap jis city se ho vaha ke NCC unit pe inquire Karo NCC open Bharti ke liye
Documents: 12 th marksheet TC and 10th marksheet with 75 above percentage
Other: any sports certificate like state level, taluka level or national level
According to your info I visited my near NCC headquarter they said, if you want to join NCC as an open cadet you have to take admission in that particular college. So is there any other option or any advice from you.....?
Plzz reply ASAP
I want to joint ncc with out college
Sir mujhe addmission Lela h kya kya document dene padenge
Sir im 10 class student my school was not providing ncc form but im very intersted for ncc how can i join sir ?
Hello Dear,
It's not possible to join NCC without college. It is also important that which college is providing NCC to the students. You can join NCC as an open cadet , if your college or institute does not have it . Open cadets generally be sent to other college of same university which have NCC or you will be having your NCC Drills and training in that battalion itself depending upon the number of vacancies they have. If selected that college will take your physical efficiency test , written test & even interviews deoending upon their selection criteria.
Good Luck